This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


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Hawaii Blogs

Aha Kanaka Ku’oko’a in Paukukalo Maui

From a flyer…

Aha Kanaka Ku‘oko‘a
– 2 Day Event –
Come out and Support!

In honor of the birthday of our nation, we will be having a celebration on November 27, 2010
Time: 5:00pm till 10:00pm
With free entertainment and food will be sold.

Please come and join us to review Hawaiian presentations that outline possible processes to eventual independence. Still wondering if Hawaiian independence is possible?  Hawaiian leaders of various groups who believe so, have been invited to share their mana’o with the community at this forum.  Presentations will begin at 10 am and continue throughout the day until 3pm. Rach leader will be given 20 minutes to present.

Date:     November 28, 2010  Sunday
Time:     10:00am to 3:00pm.
Place:    Paukukalo Community Center
Hawaiian Homes Wailuku
* Stew & Rice lunch will be provided to all participants.

New version of Akaka bill introduced

A little slow on this, but article from last week’s Star-Advertiser

U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka has introduced a compromise version of a native Hawaiian federal recognition bill and is waiting to hear from Senate leaders whether legislation can move during a lame-duck session before the end of the year.

The version was negotiated between the state’s congressional delegation and Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration in July and has the support of the governor. If Akaka is given time on the Senate floor this year, however, the version would likely be offered as an amendment to an older version of the bill that moved through the committee process.


Akaka, D-Hawaii, likely needs 60 votes to break Republican procedural opposition in the 100-member Senate. Akaka has been relying on one Republican, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, to help him get to 60 votes. Murkowski lost in the GOP primary but has won in the general election as a write-in candidate.

If the bill clears the Senate, it would have to go back to the House for approval, since the House passed a different version of the bill earlier this year.

Clearing both chambers would be difficult given the short amount of time left this year. The bill may have an even more difficult road next year, when Republicans take over the House and increase their ranks in the Senate.

Acts do not make theft of kingdom legal

Dan Taylor has a good letter in the Maui News

When it comes to Hawaii kingdom sovereignty issues, the courts are like a mule with blinders. They are only allowed to see as far as what is legal under the state and federal constitutions. What is blocked from view is the lawfulness of the state of Hawaii and its constitution.

Any actions (the Organic Act and Statehood Act) which are subsequent to an act of fraud (the Newlands Resolution) have no more lawful authority then the initial act of fraud. For instance, if your car is stolen, the theft isn’t made legal by altering the title and doing a paint job before selling it. The fact remains, the car is stolen.

Read the rest…

Ka La Ku’oko’a – Hawaiian Independence Day

In celebration of
Hawai‛i Independence Day

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Ahu at ‛Iolani Palace grounds
Noon – 4 pm

Free parking on the Palace grounds
[no driving or parking on the grass, please!]

Speakers include:

Dr. Niklaus Schweizer
History of Lā Ku‛oko‛a and Its Importance Today

Puuhonua Bumpy Kanahele, Nation of Hawai‛i
Unification Via Participation:  How a Constitutional Convention Can Help Empower All Hawaiians [to be confirmed]

Leon Siu, Foreign Minister, Ke Aupuni o Hawai’i
Unification on the Ground:  Asserting Hawaiian Identity, One Person at a Time

Tom Lenchanko, ‛Aha Kukaniloko
Nā Kūpuna as the Basis of the Lāhui – Moving Forward in Unity

It’s a potluck!
Bring food to share & mats or chairs to sit on

Two activities
Cleaning of the burial mound & an exercise in healing wounds of the past

For more information:
Email palolo @, or phone 284-3460

Sponsored by:
Ka Lei Maile Ali‛i Hawaiian Civic Club,
Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance,
Ka Pākaukau,
Pro-Kanaka Maoli Independence Working Group, Kōmike Tribunal

Sai v Obama – Spanish Embassy’s Reply

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2010 — Plaintiff files Notice of Spanish Embassy’s Reply to Plaintiff’s Letter Apprising the Spanish Ambassador of Plaintiff’s Motion to Supplement the Amended Complaint. On November 3, 2010, Plaintiff sent a letter apprising His Excellency Jorge Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Spanish Ambassador to the United States, of Plaintiff’s Motion to Supplement the Amended Complaint requesting the Court’s permission to add His Excellency as a Defendant. Included with the letter was the 1863 Hawaiian-Spanish Treaty. On November 15, 2010, Camilo Villarino Marzo, Deputy Chief of Mission, on behalf of the Spanish Ambassador, sent a letter to the Plaintiff stating, “We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 3rd, 2010 addressed to the Ambassador of Spain to the United States, and take note of the contents thereof, including your suggestion that we look into the pleadings of the case.” The Notice as well as all court filings, can be downloaded at in PDF below under the heading “Court Docket Filings.”

Sai v Obama – Letters sent to Foreign Diplomats

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: Letters sent to Foreign Diplomats apprising Plaintiff’s request of the Court to add them as defendants to the lawsuit can be downloaded at under second “Additional Point of Clarification.” These foreign States are unlawfully maintaining their consulates in violation of Article X, “The Diplomatic and Consular Agents of Foreign Nations,” Civil Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Human Rights Task Force Meeting

From a flyer…


All are welcome to attend

Oral and written testimonies accepted

Friday, Nov 19, 2010 at Paia Community Center from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sunday, Nov 21, 2010 at Haiku Community Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Have your human rights been violated? Are you being denied due process? Is your voice being heard? Who is violating your rights?

Sai v Obama – Plaintiff files Reply

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2010 — Plaintiff files Reply to Federal Defendants’ Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend the Amended Complaint. The Reply, as well as all court filings, can be downloaded in PDF at under the heading “Court Docket Filings.” Continue reading Sai v Obama – Plaintiff files Reply

Bumpy Kanahele presentation

From Lynette Cruz:

Please join us at the downtown HPU campus this Wednesday evening at 5:15 for a presentation by Bumpy Kanahele in my class on “Sovereignty, Process, and the ‘Sacred Community'”.  We’re in the Finance Factors building on Bishop St., just across from Hawaiian Telcom, in room 912-C (same building as Native Hawaiian Legal Corp.).  We’re hoping he will share an update of his activities in the movement, esp. as they relate to economic development.  Seating is limited.

Sai v Obama – Defendants File Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2010 — Federal Defendants File Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend the Amended Complaint. The Opposition, as well as all court filings, can be downloaded at under the heading “Court Docket Filings.”