This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Sai v Obama – Letters sent to Foreign Diplomats

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: Letters sent to Foreign Diplomats apprising Plaintiff’s request of the Court to add them as defendants to the lawsuit can be downloaded at under second “Additional Point of Clarification.” These foreign States are unlawfully maintaining their consulates in violation of Article X, “The Diplomatic and Consular Agents of Foreign Nations,” Civil Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Human Rights Task Force Meeting

From a flyer…


All are welcome to attend

Oral and written testimonies accepted

Friday, Nov 19, 2010 at Paia Community Center from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sunday, Nov 21, 2010 at Haiku Community Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Have your human rights been violated? Are you being denied due process? Is your voice being heard? Who is violating your rights?

Sai v Obama – Plaintiff files Reply

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2010 — Plaintiff files Reply to Federal Defendants’ Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend the Amended Complaint. The Reply, as well as all court filings, can be downloaded in PDF at under the heading “Court Docket Filings.” Continue reading Sai v Obama – Plaintiff files Reply

Bumpy Kanahele presentation

From Lynette Cruz:

Please join us at the downtown HPU campus this Wednesday evening at 5:15 for a presentation by Bumpy Kanahele in my class on “Sovereignty, Process, and the ‘Sacred Community'”.  We’re in the Finance Factors building on Bishop St., just across from Hawaiian Telcom, in room 912-C (same building as Native Hawaiian Legal Corp.).  We’re hoping he will share an update of his activities in the movement, esp. as they relate to economic development.  Seating is limited.

Sai v Obama – Defendants File Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2010 — Federal Defendants File Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion to Amend the Amended Complaint. The Opposition, as well as all court filings, can be downloaded at under the heading “Court Docket Filings.”

Sai v Obama – Additional Point of Clarification

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

ADDITIONAL POINT OF CLARIFICATION. There has also been some question as to why I’m requesting the Court to supplement the Complaint by reinstating President Obama and adding 35 Diplomats from Foreign States who have Consulates in Hawai`i. When President Obama was initially listed as a defendant in the original complaint along with the other Federal Defendants, it was because he is the successor of President Cleveland, and the only reason I had to remove him as a defendant was because of the U.S. Supreme Court case Nixon v. Fitzgerald decided in 1982. Since the filing of the lawsuit, President Obama has continued to violate the terms of the executive agreement (Lili`uokalani assignment) by administering U.S. Federal law in Hawai`i and not Hawaiian Kingdom law. Also Defendants Clinton, Gates and Willard have also continued to violate the executive agreement (Lili`uokalani assignment) by accrediting 35 foreign Consulates in Hawai`i under U.S. foreign relations law as well as meeting with China’s military in Honolulu as well as Japan’s Foreign Minister.

Continue reading Sai v Obama – Additional Point of Clarification

Sai v. Obama – Point of Clarification

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

POINT OF CLARIFICATION. There appears to be some confusion regarding the federal lawsuit so I would like to take this opportunity to provide some clarification. Some believe that I’m asking the court to determine the legal status of Hawai`i as a sovereign and independent State. This is not so. Whenever a lawsuit is filed, whether criminal or civil, there has to be a dispute. By definition, a dispute is “a conflict or controversy; a conflict of claims or rights; an assertion of a right, claim, or demand on one side, met by contrary claims or allegations on the other.” My particular dispute is with the Federal Defendants (Clinton, Gates and Willard), who I allege are liable because as a result of not faithfully executing the Lili`uokalani assignment, which is to administer Hawaiian Kingdom law, I was convicted of a felony under U.S. law through the State of Hawai`i, and since the indictment of attempted theft of real estate was manufactured, because you can’t steal or attempt to steal land, it also constituted a violation of the 1949 Geneva Convention and Title 18 U.S.C. §2441(c)(1) regarding warcrimes which is defined as depriving a protected person of a fair and regular trial. My trial was neither fair nor regular. I contend Federal Defendants are liable and they are supposed to say “no we’re not.” Instead of answering the complaint to deny or accept the allegations, the Federal Defendants chose to attack the complaint on procedural grounds, which I completely expected. Since I filed the lawsuit under the Alien Tort Statute, alleging I’m an alien (Hawaiian subject) and the violation of the treaty (Lili`uokalani assignment) took place outside of the United States (in the Hawaiian Kingdom), they had to attack procedurally because if they answered and responded to my allegations they accept the court’s jurisdiction under the Alien Tort Statute where I’m an alien and the violation took place outside of the U.S. So, in essence, the U.S. District Attorney would have to show that I’m not an alien, and to do this he would have to show that Hawai`i was lawfully annexed to the United States, thereby making the Hawaiian Kingdom to be the State of Hawai`i and my citizenship American and not Hawaiian.

Continue reading Sai v. Obama – Point of Clarification

Akaka Bill dead?

As KITV reports, one impact of the Republicans retaking control of the U.S. House of Representatives in Tuesday’s election is on the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act:

Hawaii’s Akaka bill to bring self governance to native Hawaiians appears dead in its tracks with Republicans taking over control of the U.S. House in January.

Hawaii’s Sen. Dan Inouye (D) said, “the odds of the Akaka bill passing are very bad.”

Here’s an AP article with similar sentiment.

HONOLULU (AP) — A long-sought federal law allowing Native Hawaiians to form their own government stands little chance of passing Congress before the end of the year, and its approval may be even less likely after a Republican House majority takes office in January.


Democratic Sen. Daniel Akaka, for whom the legislation is named, said he will push to pass the bill during the Senate’s lame-duck session starting Monday, but the chamber also will be busy with tax cut extensions and a stop-gap spending measure to keep the government running.

“The odds are bad,” U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, told KGMB-TV. “I’m being very candid and upfront because I don’t want people to have their hopes unjustifiably raised, because at this stage I would say it’s not one of the so-called priority measures.”

“I think it’s as good as dead,” said outgoing U.S. Rep. Charles Djou, R-Hawaii, who supports the measure. “We had a situation where the president of the United States said he would sign the Akaka bill and the Democrats held overwhelming majorities in both chambers, and Sen. Akaka wasn’t able to get it through.”


The legislation passed the U.S. House 245-164 in February but stalled in the Senate, where it failed to get consideration in the months before last week’s election.

Sai v. Obama – Plaintiff files Motion adding Defendants President Obam, 35 Foreign States

From Keanu re Sai v Obama et al

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 1, 2010 — Plaintiff files Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint by adding Defendants President Barack Obama and 35 Foreign States that unlawfully maintain Consulates in the Hawaiian Islands who were accredited through Defendant Clinton and the U.S. State Department. Initially, President Obama was removed as a defendant in the First Amended Complaint pursuant Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982) that provides immunity to Presidents while in office, but because Federal Defendants have not denied, in their pleadings, the existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Lili`uokalani assignment, Plaintiff can prove that President Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen, which is a constitutional requirement to be President. Since President Obama was born in Honolulu on August 4, 1961, he was not born in the United States, and therefore must be considered President de facto and not de jure. As a President de facto, Nixon v. Fitzgerald cannot provide President Obama sovereign immunity because it would only apply to Presidents de jure. To download Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Complaint go to under “Court Docket Filings.” I will be periodically updating “Court Docket Filings” as documents are being filed with the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C.

Sai v. Obama – Plaintiff files Memorandum in Response

From Keanu re Sai v. Obama et al:

UPDATE: Plaintiff files Memorandum in Response to Federal Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiff’s Opposition to Federal Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss Complaint. To download Plaintiff’s Memorandum in Response go to under “Court Docket Filings.” I will be periodically updating “Court Docket Filings” as documents are being filed with the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C.