This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
This is the fifth of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obamacomplaint, to help people to understand federal lawsuit filed on June 1, 2010 against President Obama’s administration in Washington, D.C.
This video focuses on the history of the United States’ prolonged occupation of Hawai`i since 1898.
This is the fourth of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obamacomplaint, to help people to understand federal lawsuit filed on June 1, 2010 against President Obama’s administration in Washington, D.C.
This video covers the history of the United States Unilateral Seizure of the Hawaiian Islands in 1898.
This is the third of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obamacomplaint, to help people to understand federal lawsuit filed on June 1, 2010 against President Obama’s administration in Washington, D.C.
This video covers the history of the second attempt by the United States to annex the Hawaiian Islands between 1894 & 1898.
As a nonprofit citizen advocacy group, Citizens for Truth and Justice-Maui County, we encourage all of the Hawaiian sovereignty group leaders to come to a ho’okahi lahui that will take place on Aug. 21 at the Maui Botanical Garden Amphitheater, running from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The main purpose of this ho’okahi lahui is to bring together all of the sovereignty leaders to share their mana’o in creating the unification of all the various government entities that strive for a Hawaiian government that is for the Hawaiians and administered by the Hawaiians.
Registration for voters is presently taking place to allow the people to eventually vote for their leader or leaders and the type of government they desire.
All of the sovereignty leaders who participate in this great effort will be showing their followers that they are truly pursuing a sincere desire and need to unite all of the sovereignty groups, which in reality is the only thing that will work. pision of the people has been historically the downfall of every effort to restore nations.
Here, now, is the opportunity to bring real strength to all of your efforts to get your country back.
Sam Miguel
Executive Director-Citizen Affairs
Citizens for Truth and Justice-Maui County
This is the second of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obama complaint. This video covers the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government by the United States, and the negotiation and settlement that followed.
This is the first of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obama complaint. This video covers the history of Hawai`i as an independent State.
Keahi Felix
HCR 3 Box 11028, Keaau, HI 96749
Tel: 808-966-4367 Email: keahifelix @
New book challenges U.S. Rights to Hawaiian Islands
Recently released a book written by Keahi Felix challenges assumptions that regard Hawai`i as part of the United States showing how and why the opposite is true. “Never a culture without a nation” is the admonition that reverberates throughout the pages of Wahine Noa: for the life of my country. A book signing and reading is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2:00 p.m., Basically Books, 160 Kamehameha Ave., downtown Hilo, Tel. 961-0144.
Dr. Keanu Sai, a political scientist specializing in Hawai`i’s legal and political history, will offer a Hawaiian Studies class this fall at Windward Community College. HWST 107, Hawai’i: Center of the Pacific, will start on August 23 and will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in Palana 227.
Kamehameha The Great
Born shortly after the appearance of Halley’s comet over Hawai’i in 1758, Kamehameha was hailed as the king who would unite the Hawai’ian islands. But how did he turn this prophecy into reality, and what happened to him in the end? Tune in and learn more.
Who was the Last Queen of Hawaii?
Born in 1838, Lili’uokalani became the queen of Hawaii in 1891. Unfortunately, she was destined to be Hawaii’s last monarch. Listen in and learn how Hawaii became a state in this podcast.
They do pretty good job of the brief history of these figures and their eras, including mention of the Blount Report and the Ku’e Petition.