This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.

By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui


Old Archives (Aug03-Oct09) Top 10
Hawaii Blogs

Keanu Sai video: History of Hawai`i as an independent State

This is the first of six short videos that cover sections of the Sai v. Obama complaint. This video covers the history of Hawai`i as an independent State.

Be sure to “Like” the video and subscribe to keanusai youtube channel.

New book challenges U.S. Rights to Hawaiian Islands

Keahi Felix
HCR 3 Box 11028, Keaau, HI 96749
Tel: 808-966-4367 Email: keahifelix @


New book challenges U.S. Rights to Hawaiian Islands

Recently released a book written by Keahi Felix challenges assumptions that regard Hawai`i as part of the United States showing how and why the opposite is true. “Never a culture without a nation” is the admonition that reverberates throughout the pages of Wahine Noa: for the life of my country. A book signing and reading is scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2:00 p.m., Basically Books, 160 Kamehameha Ave., downtown Hilo, Tel. 961-0144.

Continue reading New book challenges U.S. Rights to Hawaiian Islands

Dr. Keanu Sai to Teach Hawaiian Studies at Windward Community College this Fall

Dr. Keanu Sai, a political scientist specializing in Hawai`i’s legal and political history, will offer a Hawaiian Studies class this fall at Windward Community College. HWST 107, Hawai’i: Center of the Pacific, will start on August 23 and will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in Palana 227.

Continue reading Dr. Keanu Sai to Teach Hawaiian Studies at Windward Community College this Fall

Kamehameha & Lili’uokalani on history podcast

This is from earlier this month and I kept forgetting to post it… I sometimes listen to the Stuff You Missed in History Class podcast from, and earlier this month they did two programs on Hawaii:

Kamehameha The Great
Born shortly after the appearance of Halley’s comet over Hawai’i in 1758, Kamehameha was hailed as the king who would unite the Hawai’ian islands. But how did he turn this prophecy into reality, and what happened to him in the end? Tune in and learn more.

Who was the Last Queen of Hawaii?
Born in 1838, Lili’uokalani became the queen of Hawaii in 1891. Unfortunately, she was destined to be Hawaii’s last monarch. Listen in and learn how Hawaii became a state in this podcast.

They do pretty good job of the brief history of these figures and their eras, including mention of the Blount Report and the Ku’e Petition.

Dr. Keanu Sai interview with Lynette Cruz re federal law suit

Issues That Matter: Obama Suit in DC Court, Length: 0:56
Focus on alternative perspectives about current issues, July 1, 2010

Lynette Cruz interviews Dr. Keanu Sai regarding the lawsuit David Keanu Sai v. Barack Obama, et al

La Ho`iho`i Ea T-shirts

From: “Lynette” <palolo @>

we have a couple dozen t-shirts for sale now.
cost:  $15
sizes:  L, XL, 2XL only

email me if you want to pick up now.  we’ll have more ready for saturday, july 31 at thomas square.  we’re printing up a limited number.


(see extended post for t-shirt photo back)

Continue reading La Ho`iho`i Ea T-shirts

La Hoihoi Ea, July 31

Saturday event cancelled

From: Melvin Kalahiki <melkalahiki @>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 12:39:27 -1000
Aloha everyone,
I am writing to let you know that for a number of reasons I have had to cancel this Saturday’s (7/24) event. But I do hope that all of you will at sometime in the future, send me your manao on the various concerns within this event paper. I am hoping that in December we can meet and discuss these topics. This will assist us in putting together a report for a closing of the year meeting at Kawaiahao Church. I look forward to hearing from you.
Mel Kalahiki

Sai v. Obama et al amended

On July 15, 2010 an “Amended Complaint” was filed with the Federal Court in Washington, D.C. (Case no: 1:10-CV-00899CKK) removing President Obama as one of the Defendants but all other Defendants remain. In Fitzgerald v. Nixon (1982) the court ruled the U.S. President has complete immunity from civil lawsuits. Rule 24 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure allows the Plaintiff to amend the complaint without permission from the Court if there was no response filed by the Defendants with the Court beforehand. The amended complaint with additional refinements can be downloaded at The case is remains Sai v. Obama, et al. even though Obama is no longer a Defendant.

Hawaiian justice

Letter to the Editor in Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Dear Editor,

Not Senator this or that or a U.S. affiliate, but David Keanu Sai whose Ph.D. degree focused on international relations and public law as well as Hawaiian constitutionalism.

It’s heartening to know that there’s an advocate for Hawaiian justice in Washington D.C.

Continue reading Hawaiian justice