This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.
By Scott Crawford, Hana, Maui Top 10 Hawaii Blogs |
Please join the Hawai’i Pono’i Coalition in this annual event that observes the wrongful overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani.
Hawai’i Pono’ï: Hawaiian Patriotism
Lunch hour observance marks the wrongful overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani
January 19, 2010
What: A lunch hour concert featuring mele lāhui with Leon Siu, Jon Osorio & Ikaika Hussey and Kupa’aina.
Where: Tamarind Park at Bishop Square (Bishop and King)
When: Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Native Hawaiian Bar Association and the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
Presented by the Hawai’i Pono‘ī Coalition
Hawai’i Pono’ī is the title of the Hawai’i National Anthem written by King Kalākaua in 1874. Literally translated “Hawai’i’s own,” Hawai’i Pono’ī connects us to the history of the Islands and the heritage of its Indigenous people, a heritage that enriches us all. The Hawai’i Pono’ī Coalition was formed to educate those who choose to live in and visit the islands about Hawai’is true history, and the culture that makes Hawai’i a place like no other.
For more information contact: Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, 521-2302
View the event flyer (PDF)
Aloha ‘Aina, Malama ‘Aina
Art & Poetry Exhibit
January 14 to February 14, 2010
Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau Room Hawaii State Library
Downtown Honolulu, Diamondhead side of ‘Iolani Palace
Opening & Award Ceremony
Saturday, January 16, 2010, 1-4pm
Courtyard Area, Hawaii State Library
For more info, view the event flyer (PDF)
Contact: Henry Noa, Phone – (808) 741-7257
“A Nation Reunited” Theme of `Iolani Palace Event
HONOLULU, HAWAI`I – A two-day event marking the bicentennial of the Hawaiian Kingdom will be held at `Iolani Palace this Saturday and Sunday.
Sponsored by the Lawful Hawaiian Government, “Ho`okahi Lahui Hawai`i – One Nation,” is a call to reunite native Hawaiians and others.
Continue reading Hawaiian Kingdom Bicentennial to be Observed
From Lynette Cruz via email…
These short films were produced a few years ago by Kristen Zambucka but were never released. They are being presented on public access television by John Marsh. “Cry of the Peacocks” features Heather Marsh Manuel as Princess Kaiulani. “Songs on the Wind” also is portrayed by local actors and focuses on what is was like to be part of the opposition to annexation.
These are the upcoming play dates airing on Olelo Community Media, NATV Channel 53.
They are live streamed on the Olelo website at and will be available on Olelonet On Demand for 24 hour access.
Cry of the Peacocks
1/11/10 9:30 am Mon
1/25/10 12:30 pm Mon
1/27/10 6:00 pm Wed
1/28/10 4:30 pm Thu
1/29/10 9:00 pm Fri
Songs on the Wind
1/26/10 1:00 pm Tue
1/27/10 3:30 pm Wed
1/28/10 6:00 pm Thu
1/29/10 9:30 pm Fri

Star-Bulletin article on the Hawaiian flag quilt exhibit at the Mission Houses Museum.
In presenting the exhibit “Hawaiian Flag Quilts: Legacy of Patriotism” to mark the 50th anniversary of statehood, the Mission Houses Museum walks a fine line. The institution literally exists because of missionaries who mostly supported annexation and statehood, yet it seeks to convey respect and sensitivity to those who sit on the other side of the politically charged issue.
The museum pulls off this feat superbly, shedding light on how quilters of the late 19th century used their craft to protest annexation. The 12 quilts on display include numerous works by supporters of the Hawaiian monarchy, who combined motifs of the Hawaiian flag with crowns and other symbols of the monarchy, something Hawaii’s provisional government (in 1893), republic (1894) and territorial government (1900) worked to remove.
The exhibit also features ceramics, sheet music and military uniforms that bear emblems of both the monarchy and the United States, bringing together pieces from the collections of the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Iolani Palace, Bishop Museum and Kauai Museum.
“This exhibit looks at patriotism through the Hawaiian arts and shows the variety of ways people exhibited patriotism,” Nosek says.
On exhibit: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays to Saturdays through Jan. 23
Place: Mission Houses Museum, 553 S. King St.
Admission: $6
Call: 447-3910 or
From OHA press release…
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will present a series of two live television specials beginning this week to inform the public about the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009.
The first show, which will air on Thursday, January 7, at 8 p.m. on KITV, will feature community leaders as panelists including:
- Lilikalā Kame’eleihiwa…
- Michael Kahikina…
- Robin Danner…
- Bruss Keppeler…
The second show will broadcast on Thursday, January 14, at 7 p.m. on KITV and will feature the legal implications of the bill before a panel of legal experts. Both shows will also be streamed live on
“We encourage the public to email their questions now to Viewers will also be able to call in their questions on the nights of the shows.
Update 1/7: J. Kehaulani Kauanui recorded the audio for those who missed the show and might want to listen (some of her keyboard tapping is audible).
The Native Hawaiian Bar Association is hosting an event this Friday, January 8, noon – 1:30 at the Kanaina Bldg at ‘Iolani Palace with Rep. Abercrombie to update on the “Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act” and “other Native Hawaiian issues.”
You can download the flyer for more information and to register (extended deadline to RSVP is this Wednesday, January 6th by noon.)
MauiTime Article on local currenty from a couple weeks ago that I just got around to reading…
This is something I’ve been interested in for a long time, and some years back I attended a workshop with Lynette and several other folks about the LETS system version of local currencies. At that time we tried a bit to get something started but it does take a real coordinated commitment to get it going, to be accepted by enough businesses that it reaches a critical mass.
But Maui is probably a good sized community to try it out. It’s large enough that you could more easily get enough participation to make it worthwhile, yet it’s small enough that there is still a strong sense of community, lots of people know each other, social networks are strong. And that’s very important because the equity backing the currency is basically trust in your neighbors.
So anyway, I think this is worth thinking about in general, but especially among those who believe in the sovereignty of the kingdom.
Pre-contact, the Hawaiian Islands operated largely under a subsistence economy, with elements of a barter system. As the plantation era took hold, currency became necessary. In the latter half of the 19th century—before annexation and statehood—Kamehameha III presided over the creation of the Hawaiian dala. Like the American dollar, the dala was made up of 100 units, called keneta. Unlike the American dollar, the dala was relatively short-lived: in 1903, five years after annexation, the United States Congress “demonetized” it, and most of the coins were destroyed.
As Bumpy likes to quote Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.” While we work on the education and political and legal transition, the economic/monetary transition doesn’t need to wait for those. It can start with local currency, which can be done under occupation imposed law, and people can simply make their own choice to use it. Read the article to see the examples of other places, but it is quite legal to do.
The first question might be, is that legal? It is—with a few caveats. Creating and using a local currency—sometimes called complementary currency, in that it “complements,” but doesn’t replace, a national currency—will not unleash the dogs of the U.S. government, as long as it isn’t coin, isn’t referred to as “legal tender” and doesn’t look like U.S. currency.
Nothing says it can’t look like Hawaiian currency. If the U.S. doesn’t regard Hawaii as a country, then scrip that looks like Hawaiian currency would seem perfectly legal. (There’s mention in the article of Sam Slom’s attempt to reissue the dala, he’s not quite the right person to do it lol, but it just goes to show that it’s quite legal to do.)
This would serve three important purposes:
- It would help stimulate the local economy, just like local currency anywhere;
- It would stimulate curiosity and provide an opportunity to educate people about and win support for the Hawaiian kingdom; and
- It would be evidence of the de facto Hawaiian kingdom government effectively providing a government service to it’s citizens/residents, which is an important step in eventually restoring recognition internationally.
There are enough people/business who believe in the existence of the kingdom who would gladly use the money if it was done right, and maybe that’s how you first introduce it, but I see it being very inclusive, so people would use it just because of the benefit it provides, and you could reach out to lots of local businesses and entrepreneurs with the focus mainly on it as a form of local currency. But then as they use it they would start to ask about and identify with the kingdom. Believe me, there are lots of people on this island who would love to use a Hawaiian kingdom scrip if the system was set up well so they could believe in it and know if they accept this currency they can go spend it somewhere else useful.
Exactly how to do it and who can/will do it, I don’t yet know. Ideally, I would like to see this started by some coalition of “sovereignty groups” (for lack of a better term) along with cultural groups, who could use this as a common goal and all bring their networks into it. (It’s much better imo that it be started among the Hawaiian community and then through all their connections bring other locals into it, rather that starting among the haoles who might normally be the ones who might try this stuff but then may have a hard time getting Hawaiians/locals involved.)
And obviously, this is very complementary with a Hawaiian bank. The article mentions a bank that circulates one local currency, and a Hawaiian bank would take it to another level, but the currency can be started immediately, with no real legal/regulatory roadblocks, and maybe could help lead to a bank.
So… I think this is an idea worth putting out there for the new year…
What: No Akaka Bill Demonstration
Where: Near Obama Compound in Aikahi, Kailua – Corner of N. Kalaheo and Kailuana Plc. near bridge, location may change slightly, be flexible, look 4 banners and flags
When: Friday, January 1st, 2010, Set up at 4pm (need kokua),
Start at 5pm- till dark
Main Message: No Hearings – No Akaka Bill! No Lahui Process, No Democracy, No Self Determination!
Msg 2 Obama: Not About us Without Us! – Bring Hearings 2 Hawaii!
Wear: Black and Red
Bring: Signs reflecting main message and bamboo torches
Brought 2 you by Hui Pu in collaboration with H.I.A.A. and KLMA
Contact: Andre Perez, Ph. 864-2336, Email –