“Sovereignty Conversations” on ‘Olelo TONIGHT!!
The fourth program in the television series, “The Sovereignty Conversation-Community Forums,” will be shown TONIGHT, Saturday, April 26 from 7:30 to 9:00 on Oceanic Channel 53. This segment begins three programs on the “Models of Nationhood.” Soulee Stroud, President of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs and Mehealani Wendt, member of the Hawaiian Roll Commission, speak for the “nation-within-a-nation” model, and Leon Siu, Hawaiian National, speaks for the “independence” model. Attorney Poka Laenui moderates the discussion.
The program will be re-broadcast on 5/2 at 3:00 PM, 5/3 at 8:00 AM, and 5/8 at 9:00 AM, all on Channel 53. Past programs can be viewed at TheSovereigntyConversation.org.
For details contact: Dr. Kioni Dudley <DrKioniDudley@hawaii.rr.com>
(h/t to Leon Siu for the reminder)
Could you post a link so I can follow #4 on my computer. I don’t have TV access. Mahalo,
Aloha kakou.
Dr. ‘Umi Perkins as part of his dissertation research gave a presentation on a genealogy of native tenant rights in case readers missed this noteworthy delivery: