Taking a break
Well folks, after over a year of updating this
weblog on a nearly daily basis, I've decided to take a break. As you may have
noticed, it has been a bit sporadic of late. I just have important personal and
professional things that I need to attend to as a higher priority. As much as I
enjoy posting, and appreciate all the positive feedback I've received, it can be
time consuming to try to keep up every day. I may continue to post occasionally
when highly eventful things happen, and I may resume regular posting again
sometime in the future, but for now this blog is going dormant.
Part of my intention in creating this
blog, along with giving folks a central place to easily keep up to date with the
latest news relating to Hawaiian issues, was to create an archive of articles
and items that could be easily searched for research purposes. So, although the
up-to-date aspect will be at least temporarily gone, the archive will remain and
hopefully be of continuing
Mahalo, and
Posted: Tue - September 21, 2004 at 09:22 PM