Hawaiian Statement Condemning the Assassination of Filiberto Ojeda Rios

From Kyle Kajehiro, the following statement was sent to Mary Anne Ramirez in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico to share with the companeros and companeras there. Her attached her response below.

We, the undersigned members and supporters of the Hawaiian Sovereignty movement extend our aloha and sympathy to the family of Filiberto Ojeda Rios and to all the people of Puerto Rico on his untimely death.

We strongly condemn the assassination of Puerto Rican pro-independence leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios by U.S. federal agents and see it as an attack on all peoples who seek self-determination and other human rights, including women, people of color, indigenous peoples, the working classes, and LGBTI communities. 

Hawai`i, another nation wrongfully occupied by the United States, stands in solidarity with all Puertoriquenos fighting for liberation from U.S. domination. Viva Puerto Rico Libre! I mua a loaa ka lei o ka lanakila! Pa'lante, Siempre, Pa'lante!

In solidarity,

(signatories in the extended entry)


Subj: Re: Hawaiian Statement Condemning the Assassination of Filiberto Ojeda Rios 
Date: 10/3/2005 6:19:15 PM Hawaiian Standard Time
From: Raulmax

Saludos Kyle and all the comp/neros and comp/neras,

We have been on a 24 hour watch in front of Filiberto Ojeda's house since last Tuesday when then local police left. Hormigueros is only about 10 minutes from Mayaguez so it has been our task. We have had the privilege of sharing this sad task with people from all sections of the independence movement, from all walks of life and from all ages. Here in front of his house we have had the unity that Filiberto wanted.

The solidarity of the Hawiian Independence movement means a lot to us. If anyone understands what we have been going through it is you who must fight the same fight against the same advesary.

Next Saturday we will have a march in Hormigueros going from the main highway that goes around the big island up the hills to Filiberto's house. We will read this message of solidarity then. I have also sent it to the Puerto Rican Independence newspaper Claridad. It can be found at redbetances.com.

Gracias hermanos y hermanas,

mary anne


" Ka Lei Maile Alii Hawaiian Civic Club
" Hawai'i People's Fund
" Moanikeala Akaka
" Jim Albertini
" Patricia Anthony
" Kekuni Blaisdell, Kanaka Maoli Tribunal Komike
" Stephen T. Boggs, Kaneohe, HI
" Clarence Ching
" Keli'i Collier
" Lynette Cruz
" Pete Shimazaki Doktor
" Patrick Fishell
" Ronald Fujiyoshi, US-Japan Committee for Racial Justice
" Ku'umeaaloha Gomes
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" David Ingham
" Keli'i Ioane
" Marsha Joyner
" Ku Kahakalau
" Nalei Kahakalau
" D. Ke'eaumoku Ka'iama
" Kyle Kajihiro, DMZ-Hawai'i / Aloha 'Aina
" Paulette Ka'anohi Kaleikini
" Pi'ilani Kaopuiki
" Professor J. Kehaulani Kauanui
" Marion Kelly
" Antonia B. Manuel
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" Cha Smith
" Ann Ku`uleinani Snyder
" Tane
" Steven Tayama, Head of Security, Nation of Hawai'i
" Imaikalani Winchester
" Judith R. Wood (DeMello), Maku'u Hawaiian Farm Lots, Hui Aloha Aina Na Wahine O Puna

Posted: Mon - October 3, 2005 at 07:01 PM    
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