Note Oct. 21: I'm having trouble with my blogging software so I've been unable to post... will resume when I can get that resolved, or maybe have to switch platforms. Thu - October 8, 2009'Ike : Historical Transformations: Reading Hawai'i's Past to Probe its Future'Ike : Historical Transformations: Reading
Hawai'i's Past to Probe its Future
![]() Saturday, October 24th 10am-5pm. Center for Hawaiian Studies FEATURED PRESENTERS: Kamana Beamer Lorenz Gonschor Kūhiō Vogeler Kekuni Blaisdell Ikaika Hussey Terri Kekoolani Jon Osorio J. Kehaulani Kauanui Maivân Clech Lâm Keanu Sai moderated by Lynette Cruz moderated by Jon Osorio The event is free and refreshments will be provided. Here is the online flyer for the presentation: Posted at 11:22 PM Permalink Tue - October 6, 2009Documentary Biography on Hawaiian Patriot Joseph NawahiDocumentary Biography on Hawaiian Patriot Joseph
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 6 pm at Center for Hawaiian Studies, UH Manoa A film showing of the recently made documentary on Joseph Nawahi, followed by panel discussion w/ filmmaker Victoria Knuebuhl, Jon Osorio, Noenoe Silva. Joseph Nawahi was a true Hawaiian patriot and leader. Part of Hui Aloha 'Aina Hawaiian Patriotic League who traveled across Ko Hawai'i Pae 'Aina and collected the anti-annexation petitions known as the Ku'e petitions which stopped U.S. annexation. Filmed in 'Olelo Hawai'i (Hawaiian Language) and 'Olelo Ha'ole (english) Sponsored by Hoonaauao Film Series at Kamakaku and the Center for Biographical Research. Here's the flyer: ff.pdf Posted at 05:23 PM Permalink Sat - October 3, 2009Maui Council approves ban on GMO taroMaui News reports:
A bill prohibiting genetically modified taro in Maui County received final approval Friday by the Maui County Council. Congrats to the taro farmers of Maui and all the other supporters who came out and lobbied for this bill. One small but important step in the right direction. Posted at 07:14 AM Permalink Fri - October 2, 2009"Noho Hewa" showing Oct. 8 at Windward Community CollegeFrom
the Advertiser
An award-winning documentary about the "occupation" of Hawai'i will be shown at 7 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Paliku Theatre at Windward Community College. Posted at 08:07 AM Permalink Fri - September 25, 2009SF Chron review: "Nation Within": Gripping tale of Hawaii's illegal overthrowSan Francisco Chronicle review
of Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of
Posted at 01:42 PM Permalink Thu - September 24, 2009OHA downsizing, changing strategyAdvertiser reports:
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will eliminate 28 of its 178 positions as part of a new strategic plan outlined yesterday. Star-Bulletin also has an article. From OHA's website: PDF of press release, Strategic Plan brochure, and video of press conference Posted at 01:48 PM Permalink Mon - September 21, 2009Coffman reads "Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai'i"View the video at
C-Span's video archive
Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai'i Tom Coffman Tom Coffman talks about the U.S. annexation of Hawai'i and the resistance to annexation by the native population there. August 21, 2009 marked the 50th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood. Mr. Coffman spoke at Native Books in Honolulu. About the Author: Tom Coffman, former reporter for the Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, is the author of "Catch a Wave: A Case Study of Hawaii's New Politics" and "The Island Edge of America." His book "Nation Within" was made into a PBS documentary. For more, visit: 51 minutes To purchase the DVD, look below the viewing screen and click "Buy Now." Posted at 03:30 AM Permalink Fri - September 18, 2009"Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai'i" screening on Hawaii Island and O'ahuPosted at 02:30 PM Permalink Tue - September 15, 2009Coffman reading "Nation Within" on C-Span BookTV![]() This reading was taped at Native Books Hawai'i on August 16, 2009. If you are watching outside Hawai'i: for California add 3 hours, for New York add 6 hours. For more information, visit the publisher Koa Books or C-Span Book TV Posted at 12:42 PM Permalink Mon - September 14, 2009Current status of Crown & Government Lands![]() Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Never concerned about Hawaiian Blood quantum? Perhaps you should be now… Come and learn about the current status of the Crown and Government lands case before the Hawaii Supreme Court and its implications for all of Hawaii’s community. Date: September 19, 2009 (Saturday) Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Where: Kamakakuokalani, Center for Hawaiian Studies; Halau o Haumea, 2645 Dole Street, Honolulu Featuring panelists: Jonathan Osorio, Mililani Trask and Keeaumoku Kaiama Posted at 08:11 PM Permalink Thu - September 10, 2009James Nakapa’ahuJames Nakapa’ahu has passed away on September
9, 2009. He was husband and support to Lynette Cruz. He was a quiet but strong
and positive presence at many sovereignty gatherings over the years, a Hawaiian
patriot and warrior. Deepest condolences and thoughts of peace and conform to
Lynette and the rest of James' ohana. Rest in peace brother James.
Posted at 08:51 AM Permalink Sun - September 6, 2009Truth vs Akaka Bill with Lynette CruzSeptember 3, 2009, Ka Huli Ao hosted a Maoli
Thursday discussion "True Sovereignty? The Akaka bill and its Implications"
re-visiting issues of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act, also
known as the Akaka Bill. Speakers: Lynette Cruz, Robin Danner, Ester Kia'aina.
Here's excerpts of portions with
Posted at 06:20 PM Permalink Ka Lei Maile Ali`i "The Queen's Women" re-enactment today at Palacelate notice but Ka Lei Maile Ali`i Hawaiian Civic
Club is doing the re-enactment of The Queen's Women (of an 1897 anti-annexation
petition meeting in Hilo that was recounted in the San
Francisco Call), with Dr. Keanu Sai providing a talk to set the context,
today at the Kanaina building at Iolani Palace grounds at 1 pm.
Posted at 11:29 AM Permalink Sat - September 5, 2009Noho Hewa: The Wrongful Occupation of Hawai'i on DVD![]() I'd like to personally encourage everyone to buy a copy or several of this film, watch it and share it with friends, and support Keala who put a huge amount of energy and resources into bringing the film to fruition to get the truth out. Posted at 11:46 AM Permalink "Hawaii: A Voice for Sovereignty" to be released in HawaiiPress
PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 03, 2009 – Othila Media Productions has announced that the documentary film "Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty" is beginning a theatrical tour starting with special screenings at the Palace Theater in Hilo, on the Big Island Sat. Sept. 5th and Sun. Sept 6th. Following the screenings in Hilo the film will move to Waimea at the historic Waimea Theater, Kaua'i, Sept. 25th. More screenings will be announced throughout the Hawaiian Islands, the U.S., New Zealand, and Japan. Posted at 10:54 AM Permalink Tue - September 1, 2009The Myth of Ceded Lands: A Legal Analysis by Keanu Sai, PhDThe Myth of Ceded
A Legal Analysis by Keanu Sai, PhD Sponsored by ASUH and Hawaiian Studies Based on the 1898 joint resolution of annexation, Governor Lingle claims that the State of Hawai‘i has good title to Ceded Lands and that Native Hawaiians have a moral but not a legal claim to these lands. There are those who oppose and those who agree. But what are Ceded Lands? Why do issues about Ceded Lands revolve around the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government and the annexation of Hawai‘i to the United States? David Keanu Sai, Ph.D. in political science, has done extensive research on this topic. Drawing from his recent doctoral dissertation and law journal article written last year, he presents a historical and legal context that show there are no "Ceded Lands." Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009 Time: 12:30pm – 2:00pm Where: Paliku Theatre, Windward Community
Presentation Followed by a Panel Examination and Audience Q&A An Introduction to the Presentation is available at: For more information call: 235-7388 or email: Posted at 11:26 PM Permalink "Hawaii - A Voice for Sovereignty" showing in HiloHAWAII -- A VOICE FOR
A Documentary film by photojournalist Catherine Bauknight Sat • Sept 5 at 7pm - Sun • Sept 6 at 2:30pm Palace Theater, Hilo View the flywer: Voice for Sovereignty Poster.pdf Posted at 11:24 PM Permalink Sun - August 30, 2009"The Statehood Project" play at Kumu Kahua theaterCheck out "The Statehood
Project" play currently running at Kumu Kahua
In conjunction with Fat Ulu Productions, an organization dedicated to creating and strengthening communities through the literary arts (it recently produced a series of collaborative poetry performances), Kumu Kahua presents a collection of monologues, scenes and stories written by Hawaii playwrights, poets and storytellers. With the intention of presenting multiple perspectives on the issue of statehood in Hawaii – including political, historical and sociological – in early 2009 Kumu and Fat Ulu invited local writers to create short, personal expressions and reflections on any chosen aspect of statehood. These pieces were first read by the writers or actors to an audience, then revised by the writers and refined and organized by producers at Kumu. The result is a significant, and refreshingly different addition to both the commercial promotion and journalistic reportage that has been celebrating Hawaii's 50th anniversary of statehood. A review in the Star-Bulletin Statehood for Hawaii was: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8pm: September 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 Sundays 2pm: September 6, 13, 20
Posted at 10:21 AM Permalink Thu - August 27, 2009Queen's birthday celebrationHonoring
QUEEN LILI`UOKALANI on her 171st birthday 9/2/1838 – 9/2/2009 Sept. 2, 2009 • 4 – 7 pm `Iolani Palace Grounds @ the ahu For more info: • 783-2313 Flyer: Queen-BDay-flyer-09.pdf Posted at 01:44 PM Permalink Five Hawaiian Women PoetsRemembering Roots & Envisioning
Five Hawaiian Women Poets Tamara Wong-Morrison • Mahealani Perez-Wendt • Puanani Burgess Ho'oipo DeCambra • Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio Friday, September 11, 2009, 6:00 p.m. McCoy Studio Theater, Maui Arts & Cultural Center ![]() Posted at 01:28 PM Permalink Wed - August 26, 2009Jamaica Osorio: Kumulipo poem at White HouseAnother poetic treat by Jamaica Heolimeleikalani
Osorio, from the White House poetry night in
Posted at 03:04 PM Permalink Tue - August 25, 2009Sonny Kaniho PassingI'm late on posting this, but Sonny Kaniho passed
away August 14. As Ian Lind writes
Sonny Kaniho was one of the giants in the modern Hawaiian rights movement who gained fame by quietly, and then not-so-quietly, protesting the failures of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to make land available to Native Hawaiians. Ian has some great old photos of Kaniho's 1974 Hawaiian Homelands protest and trial. Posted at 12:27 PM Permalink HuffPost: Hawaiian Independence Movement Gains MomentumPublished
at Huffington Post by Tony
Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of The Perfect Wave: The Hawaiian Independence Movement Gains Momentum Posted at 12:10 PM Permalink Sun - August 23, 2009Radio New Zealand: Hawaii demonstrators call for independenceRadio New Zealand aired this report
today about Friday’s Fake State
Hawaii demonstrators call for independence Posted at 04:29 PM Permalink WaPo op-ed on Hawaii statehood, Obama's citizenshipLois-Ann Yamanaka has an opinion
piece in today's Washington Post on the "statehood"
anniversary, tying it in to Obama's birth certificate craziness (see here for more of my
perspective and legal analysis on that), here's an
So as our state celebrates its 50th anniversary this weekend, the fuss over Obama's birth certificate -- its authenticity and what it might be hiding -- has been kind of perplexing to me. The president's mother is American. His father is Kenyan. Is he an anomaly because he is of American and Hawaiian and Kenyan heritage? Exotic? Because he's from a state that isn't a state because we aren't on the mainland? Because he is from this provincial place that had been a state for only two years when he was born? For a few voices shouting loudly from the fringe, that has been enough reason to raise questions about whether he really is what he says he is. Posted at 06:17 AM Permalink Sat - August 22, 2009Brave New Voices: "1893" by Jamaica (on HBO)Jamaica performs one of her poems from HBO's new
series " Russell Simmons Presents Brave New
Posted at 09:49 PM Permalink Statehood protests for 50th anniversary KHNL: Hawaiians protest
statehood and push for freedom (includes
Advertiser Protesting Hawaii's 50th Anniversary photo gallery Star-Bulletin Protesters decry overthrow of kingdom and Chanters at palace lament statehood Maui News Shouts, stamps mark statehood Some pictures of the protest. ![]() Posted at 11:11 AM Permalink Fri - August 21, 2009Iolani Palace to remain quiet as Hawaii observes 50th; few celebrate statehoodAdvertiser article
Sandra Reyes strolled across the empty grounds of 'Iolani Palace this week and fully understood why state officials are not marking 50 years of Hawai'i statehood today with any kind of celebration. Lee Cataluna column That sound you don't hear is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of statehood. Oh sure, they're having a conference at the Convention Center today, but it sounds suspiciously like one of those sustainability conferences they have every six months. A highlight of the all-day event is a job fair. That pretty much sums up where we find ourselves at this moment in time. Maui News article Today's Admission Day holiday is no cause for celebration, according to a crowd of Native Hawaiians and supporters who rallied Thursday afternoon by the State Building in Wailuku. Statehood Events and Specials
• "New Horizons for the Next 50 Years,"
wide-ranging conference addressing economics, agriculture, military, Native
Hawaiians and other topics, sponsored by the 50th Anniversary of Statehood
Commission, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Hawai'i Convention Center. Cost is $15 to
$50. Information:
• State Judiciary panel discussion on statehood
with retired Chief Justice William S. Richardson and retired Judge Betty M.
Vitousek, noon at the Judiciary History Center (417 S. King St.),
• "50 Years of Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance,"
entertainment by Eddie Kamae and the Sons of Hawai'i, plus Hawaiian craft
demonstrations, food and movie showings, 11 a.m. at Hana Beach Park,
• March and rally for Hawaiian independence,
sponsored by the Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance and the Institute for the
Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs. Starts at Ala Moana Beach Park (Diamond Head
side) and ends at the Hawai'i Convention Center, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• "Statehood Hawaii Movies," a compilation of
classic travel films about Hawai'i, hosted by local film historian Steven
Frederick, 7 p.m. at the VIP Screening Room. Cost is $7.50. Information:
• "State of Aloha," special two-hour broadcast
of PBS Hawai'i's "Insights," featuring one-hour statehood documentary produced
by the University of Hawai'i Academy for Creative Media, followed by live panel
discussion hosted by Dan Boylan, 7:30 p.m. on PBS Hawai'i. Encore Aug. 28 at
10:30 p.m. and Aug. 30 at 3 p.m.
Posted at 08:59 AM Permalink Tue - August 18, 2009Events of 1893 come alive in this week's free living history walking tourAdvertiser story
Annexation forces bent on overthrowing Queen Lili'uokalani were meeting behind closed doors in offices at the corner of Merchant and Queen, Hina Kneubuhl anxiously told a gathering of listeners.bilde.jpeg Posted at 06:36 AM Permalink Mon - August 17, 2009THE “EVERY PERSON'S” ROLE IN STATEHOOD RALLY TO SUPPORT HAWAIIAN INDEPENDENCE![]() THE “EVERY PERSON'S” ROLE IN STATEHOOD RALLY TO SUPPORT HAWAIIAN INDEPENDENCE Join in actions to bring forward U.S. international accountability and counter statehood. Please attend the August 21 Statehood Rally. U. S. imperialism and occupation in foreign countries has oppressive impacts on everyone as valuable global resources go to military enforcement and ordinary people are kept economically deprived and dependent on big business. Those impacted by the continuous illegal occupation will join in peace and solidarity to highlight the fraud of statehood. Theme Black and Lime Green. Carry or wear a ti leaf as a cultural symbol to cleanse the wrong from this land. 2 min. PSA on YouTube (also, Wed, 19th, Paint and Pizza Sign Workshop in Chinatown gallery. Info on links) Michael Daly and AntiStatehood Hui are calling together settlers to Hawaii, disadvantaged people impacted by occupation and concerned people. In support of HIAA and rally leaders ~ see rally posting Fri, 14th. Education | Action | Nonviolence Posted at 07:33 PM Permalink New book explores Liliuokalani’s legal challengeMedia
“The Rights of My People” examines the two battles for Hawaii’s sovereignty. Liliuokalani led them. Find out more and order online at ![]() Posted at 02:40 PM Permalink Sun - August 16, 2009Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversaryAP has an article
syndicated far and wide today on the "statehood" anniversary this
Hawaii turns 50 years old as the 50th state Friday, but there will be no grand parades, no dazzling fireworks, no lavish displays of native culture. Posted at 04:19 PM Permalink Google in HawaiianThis week Google launched
translated into Hawaiian.
Here's how to try it out: - Or, select Hawaiian language in the Language Tools link or as an interface language in the Preferences link on The translation was done by the same group of researchers who brought Hawaiian language back from the brink of extinction 25 years ago. They are now using the Internet (and Google) to promote day-to-day usage of their language. A quote from a member of the team: "From a symbolic standpoint, this development is a source of deep pride for us. It tells us and our children that our language stands as an equal with English, other major European and Asian languages, and the many other indigenous languages that Google supports internally and through GiYL." Posted at 04:07 PM Permalink Fri - August 14, 2009March and Rally for Hawaiian IndependenceMarch and Rally for Hawaiian
After 50 years of being misled, Hawaiians are challenging a long history of misinformation leading to the creation of the State of Hawaii and the commemoration of 50 years of its existence. Join us in challenging U.S. propaganda by calling attention to the ‘real story’ and asserting Hawaiian independence. When: August 21, 10 am – 1 pm Where: Ala Moana Park (Diamond Head side) and marching to Waikiki Convention Center Why: To tell the truth of Hawaiian sovereignty and U.S. imperialism · The REAL story is outside, not in the convention center · The state of Hawaii is the result of U.S. imperialism •Carry or wear a ti leaf as a cultural symbol to cleanse the wrong from this land. For more information, call 697-3045 or 284-3460. This event is spearheaded by Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance and the Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs, with support from Hawaii People’s Fund and Ka Lei Maile Alii Hawaiian Civic Club. Posted at 02:46 AM Permalink Thu - August 13, 2009No jubilation felt in illegal statehoodLetter
in the Star-Bulletin last
No jubilation felt in illegal statehood Posted at 06:35 AM Permalink Wed - August 12, 2009Another side of statehoodJoan Conrow has an article
in the Honolulu Weekly, "Another side of statehood: A native son comes
home to fill a void during statehood
Amid official preparations for a 50th anniversary of statehood celebration–including the lei-bedecked arrival of the USS Hawaii, a $2.5 billion nuclear submarine billed by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin as “7,700 tons of aloha”–a counter movement is offering a different narrative of how, and why, Hawaii became part of the Union. Posted at 09:15 PM Permalink Maui Councilmember flies upside down Hawaiian flagIn this viewpoint
in the Maui News, Maui County Councilmember Wayne Nishiki explains why he
flies an upside down Hawaiian flag on his desk in the council
Posted at 09:11 PM Permalink Tom Coffman reading from "Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai'i"Tom
Reading from and Signing copies of the new edition of his classic book Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai'i "The best single book on annexation." -- The Nation Magazine Sunday, August 16, 2:00 p.m., at Native Books/Na Mea Hawai'i, Ward Warehouse, Honolulu America's long century of imperial adventures began with the illegal occupation of Hawai'i. In Nation Within, historian/journalist Tom Coffman tells the heartfelt story of Hawaii's resistance to annexation, both in Washington and Honolulu, and the role of Theodore Roosevelt and others who fueled America's drive for global power. Tom Coffman's reading will be followed by a roundtable discussion at 3:00 pm on how new information can help us envision a new future, moderated by attorney/activist Poka Laenui, and introduced by Hawaii Pacific University Assistant Professor Lynette Cruz. See review snippets of the book in the extended entry... Posted at 06:12 PM Permalink I'm back!Kekula and I were traveling abroad and that's why
no posts recently, sorry to not post something before I left letting
folks know I would be taking a break. Anyway, posting will resume and as I have
time I'll try to catch up with some of the stuff that happened re Akaka bill and
other stuff while I was gone.
Posted at 06:07 PM Permalink Tue - July 28, 2009Mon - July 20, 2009Hawaiian Sovereignty Restoration Day, Sunday 7/26 @ Thomas Sq.Ka La Ho'i Ho'i
Hawaiian Sovereignty Restoration Day Hawaiian National Holiday since 1843, remembering the end of a short British occupation of Hawaii. Kamehameha III proclaimed "Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Aina I Ka Pono" - The SOVEREIGNTY of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness. "Ea" doesn't just mean life, it means "Sovereignty, rule, independence"—in fact that definition comes first. Our "state" motto comes from this event in 1843, the first time Hawai'i was illegally occupied. It celebrates the restoration of Hawai'i's sovereign independence, and calls for it to be preserved through pono action. pono 1. nvs. Goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, behalf, equity, sake, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary. But what is not "pono" is the state itself since it derives its power from the bad, underhanded, immoral, unjust, unfair, false, incorrect procedure by which the U.S. has acted as though it has acquired but actually occupied Hawaii, while all the time carrying on the motto through the "republic" and through the "territory" and through the "state" that each were the living denial of, the opposite of, the contradiction of. Yes, our "state" motto is ironic. Anyway... here's the event info! Thomas Square Sunday, July 26, 2009 10 am - 6 pm 10am- Opening Ceremony 12pm- Flag Ceremony 5pm- "Aloha 'Aina" Reenactment Live Hawaiian Music by Kenneth Makuakane, Jon Osrio, Kahuli, La Ho'iho'i Ea All Stars (Imaikalani, Peter, Skippy) with Palani Vaughn, Kupa'aina, The Mount Ka'ala Band and Mana Carceras Keiki activities including face painting, large scale konane playing, comic book coloring and lomi stick workshop, the “Aloha ‘Aina” play by Ka Lei Maile Hawaiian Civic Club, Hawaiian Issues discussion, Ku‘i ‘ai demonstrations/participation, ‘Ai pono menu, Native Hawaiian Health by Ke Ola Mamo, Lomilomi by Pa Ola Hawai‘i, Arts and Crafts for the whole ‘Ohana and Makahiki Games. Live Music Kids Activities Live Play Hawaiian Issues Discussion Poi Pounding Demonstration Ono Food Hawaiian Health Lomi Lomi Arts & Crafts Makahiki Games Halau Hula and more... Contact lahoihoiea @ or call Imaikalani 780-3680 More info on Maoli World: Check out the flyer for more background and activities... KaLaHoiHoiEa-2009_POSTER.pdf Posted at 08:26 AM Permalink Sat - July 11, 2009Petition opposing Akaka BillOnline Petition to
"Oppose the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009" (aka Akaka
Posted at 10:58 PM Permalink Thu - July 9, 2009Native Hawaiian Bar Association testimony on Akaka BillFYI...
Testimony Of The Native Hawaiian Bar Association Before The House Committee On Natural Resources On The Akaka Bill, HR 2314, The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act June 11, 2009 Chairman Rahall, Ranking Member Hastings, and members of the committee: As members of the Native Hawaiian Bar Association (NHBA) Board of Directors, we are writing to express our support for H.R. 2314, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act, commonly known as the Akaka bill, which was reintroduced on May 7, 2009, and provides a self-determination process for Native Hawaiians to be federally recognized by the U.S. government. However, we condition our continuing support of the bill as it moves forward in the process on the hope that certain major concerns will be addressed. The Native Hawaiian Bar Association is a membership organization of Native Hawaiian judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals. Founded in 1992, the NHBA promotes unity, cooperation and the exchange of ideas among its members and within the broader legal community. The NHBA strives for justice and effective legal representation of Native Hawaiians and provides a forum for discussion, examination and resolution of legal issues affecting Native Hawaiians. It has offered symposia, amicus curiae and other collaborations in the areas of self determination, access and gathering protection, Hawaiian Home Lands and ceded lands breach of trust claims. Since the first introduction of the Akaka bill in 2000, the NHBA has monitored the legislation’s progress and the challenges it has faced within our Hawaiian community, policymakers in Washington, D.C, and Hawaii, and the general public. During 2006, the NHBA Board of Directors worked very closely to secure the support of the American Bar Association in a resolution urging Congress to pass legislation to establish a process to provide federal recognition and to restore self-determination of Native Hawaiians. Our major concerns with H.R. 2314 are as follows: Read the rest of the testimony... Posted at 09:22 AM Permalink Akaka Bill committee vote delayedAdvertiser reports
House Natural Resources Committee postpones vote on Akaka bill, to be
rescheduled in a week or two.
Posted at 04:23 AM Permalink Mon - July 6, 2009History that should not—and will not—disappear: July 4, 1894Belated good July 4th reading
relevant to Hawaii from Larry Geller at Disappeared News.
Posted at 05:22 PM Permalink Sun - July 5, 2009Independence Day events include talk of Hawaii's independenceAdvertiser reports:
The mood was less festive but still heartfelt at 'Iolani Palace, where the Temple of Lono was hosting a gathering of Native Hawaiian leaders, cultural practitioners and others who find Independence Day a bittersweet occasion. Posted at 06:49 PM Permalink |
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Published On: Oct 09, 2009 07:18 AM |